Changes to Selection for the 2024 intake

The Selection process for the 2024 intake will look a little different to previous years.  As most members will be aware, the Selection process is reviewed on an annual basis. The FTC considers feedback from members, analysis of the current process, evidence from other specialties, and reviews the education literature. The FTC then adapts our approach to ensure a fair and comprehensive Selection process for the next round. The AOA Regulations for Selection to the AOA 21 Training Program (Selection Regulations) for the 2024 intake are now available. Read the Selection Regulations document. 

Below is a brief summary of the key changes in the Selection process for the 2024 intake:
  1. Situational Judgement Test (SJT)

    All applicants will be required to complete a SJT in late March 2023. The SJT is an online multiple choice test, presenting the applicant with scenario-based questions describing situations that are likely to be encountered as a specialist trainee/orthopaedic registrar. Applicants select from a range of possible responses based on their evaluation of the scenario presented.

    Applicants will need to achieve a score better than one (1) standard deviation below the mean in order to progress in the Selection Process. All eligible applicants will then be ranked based on their SJT score for consideration of an invitation to interview. 

  2. Interview

    The interview has been brought forward in the Selection process.  We will be looking to interview most applicants around the country up to the capacity of each interview venue. The format of the interview has been altered slightly, and the number of interview panels will be reduced from six (6) panels to five (5).

  3. Referee reports

    Referee reports will now be collected after the interview step. Following the interview, applicants will be ranked nationally based on their combined SJT and interview score. AOA will collect referee reports at a minimum ratio of two applicants to each expected available post in each region.  AOA will collect a minimum of a three referee reports for each of these applicants. Referee reports will be collected verbally via web-conference.

  4. Offers

    Following the collection of referee reports, applicants will once again be ranked by their ‘overall score’ which will incorporate the SJT (30 per cent), interview (40 per cent) and referee report (30 per cent). Initial offers will be released in July 2023.

For more details, please refer to the Regulations for Selection to the AOA 21 Training Program in Orthopaedic Surgery for 2024 or view the 2024 Selection FAQ's

For any further questions, please contact and a staff member will be in contact to discuss your query.